This book is called learning how to write by Zhōu Zuǒ Luó. This book inspired me to read more books and write about the knowledge gained through reading. I can't say that I am intelligent enough to grasp all the concepts in every book that I listened to, but I will try my best to analyze what I think the book is talking about and what I learned from reading this book.
According to the author, he just keeps writing until he improved and become successful. So I decided to read more books and start this blog starting today to see if by reading more and writing more about what I learned in the books, will I really improve both mentally and physically.
I was introduced to this book by https://weread.qq.com/
I just happened to be the Beta tester for this weread 微信讀書 app. This app was introduced to me by a friend called Squid Jessica. I have always wanted to read more books. I do have the Libby app created by the Public Library, Yes, I do have my own library card. I also have Kindle. I love all these apps very much. I try to learn as much knowledge as I can during my free time so that I can get exposed to many different thinking styles to compensate for my lack of curiosity when I was young.
I will write what I learn starting today. Please enjoy my rather shallow thoughts or perhaps deep enough to steer me in the right direction during my confusing journey. It's almost Lunar New Year! I hope you enjoy the rest of the day.